
About the Logo:
About the "Tachi Bu Sha," or "Fallen Warrior, Rising" logo.
The source picture of the "Fallen Warrior, Rising," is an original oil painting by Ralf Butler, done circa 1974. Mr. Butler, a student at the Jundokan International Dojo in Spokane Washington, led by Sensei Teruo Chinen, did the painting for Ed Sumner. The original currently hangs on the wall of Ed's office.
The painting has been one of Ed's "little treasures" since Ralf first completed it for him. To Ed, the painting has a particular significance. This warrior has been seriously wounded, perhaps mortally. But with every bit of will within him, he is struggling to his feet, using his sword as a cane, in order to continue the fight. This "never give up" mentality epitomizes the warrior spirit, and offers a deeply insightful life lesson.
As the founding members of the Brotherhood of Veteran Warriors discovered during their first reunion, each has, at one point or another in their lives, been felled by the arrows of challenge that life can hit one with. Things like health problems, divorce or other family difficulties, career or financial problems have impacted everyone. But like the warrior of the logo, each struggled back to their feet and into the fray.
Robert Freeman said, "Character is not made in a crisis, it is revealed." Each founding member has experienced personal life crises, and a rock solid character has been revealed in each case. We believe that our Martial training has been a significant contributing factor in developing that strength of character.
During the first Gashuku, Duke Ali Shariff-Bey visited Ed's office, saw the painting, and exclaimed "That belongs on a T-Shirt!" Such an idea had never occurred to Ed, but he saw instantly that Duke was right. So after the Gashuku was over, and everyone had gone home, Ed commissioned the making of two T-shirts, one white, one black, for each of the attendees as a gift, to express his deep gratitude at finding his old friends and having them back in the circle of his life. Each year since, a "Gashuku T-Shirt" has been offered to all attendees.
The logo on the shirts symbolizes our collective commitment to meeting life's challenges head on, and if being knocked down, getting back to our feet to fight again.